Thursday, July 22, 2010

Those Damned Vuvuzales Explained

It's not a musical instrument steeped in cultural meaning, significance and purpose - its a sodding plastic trumpet, lots of them, played by people who have as much interest in watching football as the chooks in my backyard! Nor is it culturally insensitive to object to your hearing and sanity being compromised at a football match.

Some idiots have come back to Australia with these "plastic devices" in their possession. Oh yeh, I was at the world cup - listen while while I make a tuneless noise. Each person returning with one int heir possession should have it placed where it best fits, then make all the noise they like!

Some moronic entrepenuer, an "Arthur Daley" of sporting opportunism will make a few thousand of these and flog them at sporting venues all over Australia. No sport is safe. This is like a virus.

Well done Blatter you goose, we hold the World Cup in SA and what do we get - a bloody ball that has a mind of its own and a sodding plastic trumpet that makes the most appalling noise. Brilliant! How long did you take to think of this outcome, Sep old pal? Four years?? And too much of the football was crap, which is probably largely due to the confluence of these two mindless contributions.

And now its off to Brazil - more bloody trumpets!

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