Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CEO Capital Talks About the HPP Review, Men's State League Review, Summer 20s and Women's Football and Canberra United

This program is broadcast on 2xxfm (98.3mhz), Tuesday 27 July 2010 at 7:00PM through the Australian Community Radio Network.

In this program we have a "fireside chat" with Heather Ried, CEO Capital Football. There is always a lot going on in Football and Futsal and Capital Football has a lot of "footballs in the air"!

The subjects covered are the Review of the High Performance Program and who is going to undertake this sensitive assignment, the Review of the Men's State League Competition, forthcoming Summer 20s, and Women's Football in the ACT and Canberra United.

But that's only one half of the interview!

In the second installment, which will be made available through the Nearposl Local as a Podcast, Heather will speak on other very important matters - the broadening of the Captial Football Futsal Premier League to include youth mens and womens, together with an very innovative approach to the selection of junior age ACT Futsal teams to compete at the Nationals in 2011. There is a review in progress covering the Discipline and Disputes regulations and finally, a very interesting discussion on the key resource issue currently limiting the development of football in the ACT region - the availability of suitable grounds - all the year. No grounds, no growth and less development and a game that is expanding!

Download Pocast here:

1 comment:

  1. The review should take its time and be comprehensive, however if there are any recommendations for U13 boys and girls in the lead up to the April 2011 national junior championships it would be hoped that these could be implemented before it's too late for these groups.
