Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reflections on the ACT Performance at the 2011 FFA Futsal Nationals by Capital Football Futsal Technical Manager, Roger Cua

This program is broadcast on 2xxfm (98.3 mhz) through the Australian Community Radio Network, Tuesday, 18 January 2011 at 7:00PM.

The 2011 FFA Futsal Nationals have concluded. The overall performance of the ACT teams is an improvement on 2010.

However, NSW increased their dominance with 15 finals wins from a total of 17 finals contested at the Nationals.

Whatever we are doing to improve Futsal, we need to remember that NSW is not standing still and admiring past performance.

Roger Cua joined Capital Football in the latter half of 2010 as the Futsal Technical Manager. The changes he made tidied up some loose ends and that made a difference to the overall results. Roger speaks candidly to the NPL about the Nationals, the ACT performance, what makes NSW strong at the Nationals, talented identification, selection, the need give all squad players sufficient game time in the Nationals at the junior / youth levels to ensure development, the need to regenerate the Open Mens' team, an ACT Futsal State team competition, increasing the scope of the ACT Premier League, futsal coaching clinics during the Football season, Coach education and a good deal more about Futsal as it affects the ACT.

Roger has a three year plan and he has made a good start.

Download Podcast here:

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