Thursday, March 24, 2011

Its the Vision Thing You know! Its Time To Think Big About Community Football and Futsal Faciltities in the ACT

It seems that the NPL has stirred a hornet's nest in some quarters at Capital Football.

Front and centre is the issue of owning our own Football and Futsal facilities in the ACT.

Lets start by reminding ourselves that it was a long term drought that saw many ACT Government community grass playing fields decommissioned, no water, no maintenance and left to decay to the point where they now require large investments to get them to playing standard. These open spaces have become very juicy targets for developers of medium density housing ("urban infill"??)

It seems that there is a view among some in Capital Football that Capital Football is not in the business of owning and maintaining football and Futsal facilities. It's such a completely underwhelming position. No hope and no vision for the future.

Capital Football, on behalf of the ACT Football community, provided a very significant proportion (50% +) for the  redevelopment of Hawker enclosed with a new FFA standard Tiger Turf surface. And what a terrific playing surface facility it is. So don't tell me we are not in the business of investing in something we can call our own and how much better would it be if we did "own" Hawker Enclosed?

But the next "Hawker" is said to be about five years down the track! Too slow. We need another six of these facilities in the next three years!

My response to that suggestion that Capital Football does not own / maintain facilities for Football is simply this - is what we are doing now working to the complete satisfaction for the Football and Futsal community in the ACT? A community that is growing faster than we can service demand with suitable playing surfaces, even for our Premier League teams. Is it happening with the speed and frequency necessary to sustain and build the game? Are we "future proofing" our game?

When we ask questions, the answer is always the same - we are talking to so and so in the ACT Government, their are plans for new playing fields in new suburbs, we had a meeting with so and so. All that ever seems to be spoken of is "process", the sort of stuff you just expect to be happening, but not firm, detailed outcomes.

Take the Hawker Enclosed example - after a fine first effort to redevelop the ground, where is the expansion capability at Hawker for the next ground or the Futsal Facility? There is real estate in that area, but no plans. So in the end, we have one isolated playing field. If you ever go to see the HPP squads and others training during the week, you'll quickly acknowledge the limitations of a "one field site" solution.

So we look elsewhere for ideas and inspiration. Do we do that? Valentine Park in metro NSW for Football NSW comes immediately to mind. What about that fantastic community Football  development in the London, home of Barnett FC, called "the Hive", a very recent development. There's a message here for Capital Football, but are they "on receive"? Is this sort of "vision" a bit too demanding? Here's a promo video for "The Hive":

We need some visionary, bold thinking for Football going forward in the ACT, particularly in the area of playing facilities.

The FFA launched a National Curriculum and a National Development Plan that is intended to influence every level of the game, particularly in the junior and youth age groups, boys and girls. How can these wonderfully praiseworthy initiatives by the FFA be supported in the ACT Region without bold strokes across the playing facilities requirements in our region?

What we are doing, is what we have always done. Its not good enough, never was! And that seems to be the where the thinking stops! Dare I raise the matter of the $26m of ACT Gov funds that escaped to AFL (in Sydney)!

Why don't we have a Football and Futsal Centre in the ACT where we could focus the game in our community, provide a number of first rate playing surfaces, a family friendly cafe, Football / Futsal shop, medical services, swimming pools, live in accommodation for visiting teams, just to name a few elements that come to mind. A place to cater to all levels of football development from ACTAS to Capital Football and Club development training, competitions across all age groups and levels from Junior to State League to Premier League, a place to focus the Kanga Cup and the FFA Futsal Nationals.

And why not two of them? Is this something that the ACT Government would be likely to be interested in? You bet! Why? Because its a plan that stands to continue to benefit all the Football community for many, many years to come. And ours is a very large sporting constituency.

If we had the flexibility with regard to playing facilities, delivered available and up to standard faciltties, we could, if we wanted to, completely restructure when and how we play our competitions during the year, giving both games a whole of year presence, without the constraints currently limiting the conduct of games in the ACT.What a fantastic thing it would be.

Why wouldn't Capital Football, together with the Clubs and in partnership with the ACT Government want to be a proud "owner" of this type of vision for Football and Futsal?

Every time we talk of doing something different with the scheduling of our game, we are told that the grounds are not available. And they are not, because we don't own or have any priority control over them! And nothing changes. So tell me why / how our present and long standing approach is making things better for the game in the ACT? Its not good enough in 2011 going forward.

So Capital Football - tell us what the plan is in detail!


  1. One simple answer to all your questions - MONEY

    There is none.....

  2. That may be true and if it is, it raises a lot more questions than it answers!

  3. Money is not the issue, it is the lack of foresight by Capital Football in using the truckload of Money that is poured into the coffers each year, or is taken by Canberra United.

  4. Hey anonymous, how much money do you think CF get? The Annual Report is out today and there's not eaxctly a spare $12 million for six Hawker's floasting around! Canberra United in fact lost $2,500 last year.......

  5. Now wait a minute! I guess you work at CF or are on the CF Board, as the Annual Report is not yet in the wider public domain. I expect it to be made availabel at the AGM tonight.

    Your comment invites two responses:
    1. If CU made a loss, who picks up the loss? Well obviously the ACT football community through CF. The loss raise a whole lot of questions in its own right - can we afford it / what measure can be taken to reduce costs / sponsorship and so on. If CU is getting to be a serious impost on the CF treasury, to the extent that we cannot find funds to continue to underwrite the development of facilities for community football, then the CU funding is on the table. So I guess the observation by the Anonymous you responded to is near to the truth. Pleading financial loss doesn't make your case.
    2. There are man ways of funding a large project. Other have done it and so can CF. But they don;t want to own or maintain faiclities. Very convenient and very short sighted. The ACt Gov holds the key to development and the $26m to AFL makes that ubundantly clear. But you gotta work for it! Otherwise we do as we have always done. If that worked so well, why did we bother with Hawker in the first place.
    Game set and bloody match mate!

  6. Well said Peter. Could anonymous who has seen the Annual Report please advise how much money has CF generated from HPP for 2010 fin year.

  7. I saw a copy of the report this morning and that actually suggests CUFC made a small profit, so I stand corrected, although the statements are only up to 30/10/10 which was before the season three commenced.

    If, as you suggest 'The ACT Gov holds the key to development' I suggest that perhaps you lobby the Government via this blog to get some of that magic money that you insist is out there for building projects. You seem convinced it's there so maybe you can lobby your local members and get some cash put aside for six new Hawkers. If there is demand maybe they'll release money? Over to you......I await your succssful outcome with baited breath. Then, and only then, Can you quote 'Game set and bloody match mate!' As the saying goes and you seem fond of cliches 'words are cheap'.....

    The point is money is always the issue. With unlimited money you can do what you like - hence Qatar building 'clouds'....until substantial money is raised there seems little CF can do.

  8. Most instructive. S you are happy with the present situation are you? As I say, most instructive. Your postion gets us no where at all. Its called "bystander behaviour". This blog and others is putting the issue out there to discuss. Walk the walk mate!
    As you say, words are cheap. You would have someone else do it, while you contributein an anonymous fashion. Terrific.
    I listened to those that spoke at the AGM last night. Lotta people unhappy about that $26m to AFL.
    My response to you is that the money "is there" because the AFL deal with the ACT Gov clearly demonstrates it is so and that it can be done. We just never made it so to Government.
    It doesn't matter a fig what "bucket" of public funds it comes out of - the money is there. That silly deflection was dragged out last night but convinved no one. The prime sum came from the Tourism bucket, which is interesting, because as one new Board member pointed out, for Government its about bringing new money into the ACt where this bucket is concerned and we have two of the biggest - Kanga Cup and the Futsal NAtionals. Now you join the dots together - again please.
    But of course, you need to chase the money down in Government and AFL is good at that one. NO further proof is required to demonstrate the gaping big opportunity that was missed but can and must be pursued by the CF Board.
    Those charged with the responsibility for making all these connections are at CF and the CF Board.
    I stand ready to assist in any way that I can. What about you?
    And you think this blog isn't read by the relevant Minister(s) and / or staff and Opposition? It is for sure and the position is understood. This is the issue the Gov simply doesn't want to talk about to any other sport.
    All I heard for the most part last night around new facilties issue was more of the same. The Treasureer made an excellent point - CF has spent grant money for Hawker and made it work (Hawker), while other sports have not. This is an important point of difference - its leverage.
    The AFL windfall is too much of an embarrassment to discuss - because it really hurt Football and futsal in the ACT. But it must be discussed and understood, or it is likely to happen again (even if not on such a grand scale).
    New energy and capabilities on the Board gives hope and is certain to make a difference.
    Your are right on one thing - money is "the" issue and in our case its the lack of it, lack of it through missed opportunity.
    CF can do a lot more and teh new Board is placed to lead the way.

  9. For me its a lack of foresight by Capital Football, they need to take a short term financial hit in order to have long term gains. Take a look at the hundreds of thousands of dollars that our futsal leagues and rep teams give over to the likes of ANU, MPowerdome, Netball and Southern Cross. If they were to build a dedicated futsal facility all of that money could be kept in our game.

  10. QUOTE: "Well said Peter. Could anonymous who has seen the Annual Report please advise how much money has CF generated from HPP for 2010 fin year."

    Looks like HPP ran at a loss of $35,000 - so none! :-)

  11. How about a petition - particularly in advance of the next ACT election. Ill organise it if you like.

  12. excellent idea. People power, nothing better.

  13. HPP ran at a loss - I find that hard to believe. What did they spend all those player user pay fees on? (summer was $600 per player x hundreds of players) I don't think the coaches were getting paid the big bucks? Kambah hire maybe? HFC - well it's theirs anyway. Sorry I don't get it.
